The identity of Product Identity

We are surrounded by identities.

From objects and products to people, everything has its own unique identity.

However, as we have arrived at the current era of tech x design, we have found ourselves circled around many of the same themes:

Identities have become looking the same.

Product Identity, therefore, is a personal attempt to shed light on the ones that stand out in the crowd. Through this publication, I want to reflect and share my own perspective on design – from cultural to personal influences.

What's the identity of Product ID?

I guess I can call it a mixture of:

  • A blog about brands building unique products

  • A home for my research findings

  • A place I can share my chain of thoughts

  • An experiment to play with my own creativity

What it is and what it is not

I carefully try to avoid the fluff – I rather aim to articulate my writings in the most possible straightforward way. All I want to do is to share my personal thoughts and insights.

This is not going to be a place where case studies like content are published.

Instead, I want to tell stories. Product ID is intended to highlight notable brands and products, by sharing by making it:

  • In-depth
    Providing deep insights into various experiences

  • Original
    Forget about so-called mainstream products and discover new niches

  • Resourceful
    From digital apps to hotels, find inspiration

I’m Itay, a designer based in Tel Aviv.

I’ve spent the past decade working with many startups, especially in the early stages. My involvement with young ventures combined with my curiosity to explore endless rabbit holes has led me to discover many products and niches – and this is what I want to share with you.

Feel free to reach out – you can find me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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What makes identities?


Designer, writing about the design of noteworthy products.